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Entering the Dark Age of Malaysia...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

UMNO Vs Unity

I can still remember what the UMNO people had cited in the press just a few days ago, when LimKitSiang had announced to the public to boycott the Mentri Besar Perak. They said " The action of boycotting the MB selected by the State Sultan is a mean of contempt towards the royal." Remember? As if they're the loyals to the royal.

In Chinese proverb, there is a famous saying " The elephant trunk wont grow from a dog's mouth". While I'm not trying to describe these UMNO people as "d*g", I'd say that they're at least a group of human being with deformed mouths, whereby elephant trunks growing out from their mouths just like that. ------> They like bullshitting.

The statement made above is proven to be true, when even Abdullan Badawi himself had spoken out. He had elected the original Menteri Besar to hold the MB post, which is also a sign of disapproving the candidate chosen by the Perlis Royal Highness. Did I hear it wrong? Is UMNO trying to go against the will of Raja Perlis? What about the so called "UMNO supporters" (or maybe the UMNO members) who voiced their support to the ex-Perlis MB, Shahidan, named by our Prime Minister, which is also an act of disobeying the Raja Perlis? ..................Double standards? Hipocrisy? Dont ask me.

Besides, when it comes to power in politics, even the "united" UMNO has started to show signs of breaking up into pieces. Mukhriz vs PM is expected to be a hot-newly-released-drama.I would like to urge these people, to respect and obey their State Ruler. It is a total contempt towards the Royals to go against their will, especially when they really mean to do something. I also hope that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah can set an example to their "loyal supporters" left, so that to behave in good manner and also to obey the Consitution of Malaysia.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maybe I should remind Pak Lah about his Rukun Negara Program.Pak Lah, please follow after me.....

say, Taat Setia Kepada Raja Dan Negara > means being loyal to the King and the Country, you dont go against a Raja's will.

and, please drink a cup of plain water to ensure that you're able to repeat after me.

say, Keluhuran Perlembagaan > means supremacy of the constitution, you cannot do as you like without following the rules and constitution.

Feel like sleeping Pak Lah? Better wake up now before its too late. Racial and religious issues do not work on Malaysians ANYMORE,and the real and genuine UNITY is on the way against racism . Wake up Pak Lah.

C Guevara

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