"How could a University that neglect the importance of meritocracy, and practicing favoritism at the same time, will ever move forward to compete with other reputable universities around the world?"
What made USM so special for being an Apex university? What made USM even qualified for that prestigious title and benefits?
First of all, being an Apex university would mean more autonomy than other local public universities who are under direct authority by the government. They get to make more wise and independent decisions, and have pledged to steer USM towards outstanding performance, challenging the conventional style of managing an academic institution that failed to increase reputations of our public universities.
The ultimate purpose of all these extra-funding-and-self-autonomy thingy is to push USM to becoming Malaysia’s first world-class university. They are boasting to the nation that they will become a university that retains Malaysia’s finest brains and potentials.
However, I am in doubt now, if USM has the primary qualifications to call itself an apex university. When the first batch of shortlisted applicants of the first Malaysian Apex University were revealed, voices of anger and disappointment can be heard throughout the country.
Many of the top STPM scorers have been rejected a place in USM. Many of the STPM students with 4.0 CGPA and good co-curricular activity participation FAILED miserably in their attempts to get a place in USM. That is the disappointment. Its not unfamiliar for local public universities to practice quota system in their intake of students, but most people still find it hard to accept the fact that this happened to USM, the Apex University that vowed to be the center of excellence in academic studies.
The anger part that follow next is the news of some Pre U leavers, with CGPA 3.7, can easily get into Pharmacy course in USM. Some have secured a place in Dentistry even with CGPA as low as 3.0.
Although the interview and co curricular marks are vital weights in the applications, I do not believe that ALL matrikulasi leavers who could not even score higher than 3.5 can perform any better in co curricular activities. Matrikulasi students spend only about 9 months in studies, where as STPM students need to combat heavy workloads every day, for 1 and a half year.
Yet, top STPM achievers were being denied by USM that obviously favor Matrikulasi students and also a tiny bit of STPM leavers who underperformed in their studies. The cream of STPM who endured so much of hardships and also achieved the best results in the whole country are not rewarded and appreciated by USM. They are now at least 10 STPM leavers who scored a CGPA of 4.0 being cruelly rejected for Pharmacy course at the Apex University. More victims of this “backward policies” implemented by USM have yet to voice out their distress, and disbelief.
How could a University that neglect the importance of meritocracy, and practicing favoritism at the same time, will ever move forward to compete with other reputable universities around the world? Is the promise to bring USM to the top 50 universities in the world by year 2020 a feasible goal? Or is it merely a government’s propaganda to mask their miserable failure to ‘upgrade’ our local public universities?
Is USM becoming worse than it used to be under the influences of biased, unfair and non-merit education policies?
How can I ever be convinced to believe that USM is an Apex University?
Clap Clap,
dear blogger, i love the way you said it, no meritocracy and favouritism and wanna be top uni, i guess the world is not as blind as the malaysian government. haha
so funny..
u didn't mention about munsyi test....
pls google about the test before posting..
sorry to say that u r too emotional..it's better 4 u to enclose together all of the proofs, statistics, data and so on..a winner or someone who is in the right side will behave profesionally..not emotionally..
hope that u can accept the truth..(",)
HI,no offense here.what i want to say is in fact, im a dental student in usm, and as long as i studied here,(5 years already, and based on my observation) i have never met someone who had CGPA 3 entered this school.so..do some research a little more deeper before you make a conclusion, okay..(just telling you)
dear writer,
you are a retard. do more research before writing about this stuff. usm can sue you for giving out false information. what are you trying to achieve?
Dear whoever blog this is,
Please give some statistics to support your statement....an article without real numbers and actual statistics is USELESS and can be thrown in the bin instead...
Thank you.
As I said before, the authority should show me and the rakyat the statistics.
After all these years, USM, like any other local uni in Malaysia, still dare not publish their statistics regarding their students intake.
Even the Ex-Deputy education minister, failed to extract statistics from Matrikulasi about their student intakes. This issue was live-broadcasted in RTM from the parliament. Have you seen it?
I may only be a crap blogger for not being able to produce the stats, but USM is now a crap university for failing to answer this question even after becoming an Apex university. And the problem still exist until TODAY.
C.T Choong, I think you should learn how to gather more facts before you comment on other people. Pity you the defensive USM grad.
As I said before, the authority should show me and the rakyat the statistics.
After all these years, USM, like any other local uni in Malaysia, still dare not publish their statistics regarding their students intake.
Even the Ex-Deputy education minister, failed to extract statistics from Matrikulasi about their student intakes. This issue was live-broadcasted in RTM from the parliament. Have you seen it?
I may only be a crap blogger for not being able to produce the stats, but USM is now a crap university for failing to answer this question even after becoming an Apex university. And the problem still exist until TODAY.
C.T Choong, I think you should learn how to gather more facts before you comment on other people. Pity you the defensive USM grad.
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