5 Things You Wanna Know This Semester (Bio One Version)
The Five Serious Things That Really Matter.
Are these the new year resolutions? Or is it merely some unexpectable changes around us? After observing the surrounding for some times, I've summarised the 5 big things which have shocked me the most. From the switching of teachers to the reveal of our next bio project, these are the five issues you'll wanna know the most, exclusively from Bio One.
Bio One Most-talked-about Issues
1. Mohan As Our New Class Teacher
Although he has been teaching us General Paper since last year, I still couldnt believe that he is now our class teacher. I dont know why I have weird feelings for that but I prefer to have the Mathematics teacher as our class teacher. Reason? Told you, I dont know, and I dont have any comments about that. Just that we might have to spend more time with our dear Mr. Mohan during schooldays. * A few guys and I like calling him "末汉末得" instead of Mohan.* Hey sorry Sir, but I say nothing bad about you! :P
2. Chua Yok Ten Taking Over Chemistry Lessons
Well this is the rumours I've heard since last year, and its now proven to be true. To most of us in the class, its a relief. I have to admit that under her two weeks lessons I've improved much more than before in my Chemistry, but this is not to say that the previous teacher is not good enough. Although I did very badly in Chemistry for last year's second term exam, I still want to express my utmost gratitude to our beloved former Chemistry teacher, Puan Ng Li Hwa. She is a responsible and dedicated teacher, just that her luck aint good enough to had taught us. According to reliable sources, she has been transfered to the afternoon session under her own request. And what has touched me alot is that, she wished all of us the best luck in STPM ! Well for Chua Yok Ten, she is, at least, a friendly teacher for what I've sensed in these few weeks, and other than that, she is also very serious in teaching. Obviously we have to cut down on our tea time and look for a better replacement ! lolz Another thing I like is her notes. Brief, compact while not missing the important points, I believe I can now do my Chemistry revision in shorter time :P
3. RATS !!! Girls, SCREAMMMMM !!!

Muahaha.... I am going to see who is the first girl that faint during the dissection of rats. According to the seniors, you can see the heart of the rat pumping like a small balloons if you managed to dissect the rat before its heart stops. Well whether its true or not, before the hearts of the rats stop pumping, you can already experience the art of screaming. WAAAAAA!!!!!!! AIYAAAA!!!! ARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!......... Well advice for Bio students : Please be a considerate senior! Lets not distracting our juniors by making them laughing at us all the day! Just like what Koay Tian Soo had told us, you can only let the rats rest in peace in the heaven when you get As in STPM Biology ...... Lets make it!
You must cut the rat's mouth to open its body.
The Five Serious Things That Really Matter.
Are these the new year resolutions? Or is it merely some unexpectable changes around us? After observing the surrounding for some times, I've summarised the 5 big things which have shocked me the most. From the switching of teachers to the reveal of our next bio project, these are the five issues you'll wanna know the most, exclusively from Bio One.
Bio One Most-talked-about Issues
1. Mohan As Our New Class Teacher
Although he has been teaching us General Paper since last year, I still couldnt believe that he is now our class teacher. I dont know why I have weird feelings for that but I prefer to have the Mathematics teacher as our class teacher. Reason? Told you, I dont know, and I dont have any comments about that. Just that we might have to spend more time with our dear Mr. Mohan during schooldays. * A few guys and I like calling him "末汉末得" instead of Mohan.* Hey sorry Sir, but I say nothing bad about you! :P
2. Chua Yok Ten Taking Over Chemistry Lessons
Well this is the rumours I've heard since last year, and its now proven to be true. To most of us in the class, its a relief. I have to admit that under her two weeks lessons I've improved much more than before in my Chemistry, but this is not to say that the previous teacher is not good enough. Although I did very badly in Chemistry for last year's second term exam, I still want to express my utmost gratitude to our beloved former Chemistry teacher, Puan Ng Li Hwa. She is a responsible and dedicated teacher, just that her luck aint good enough to had taught us. According to reliable sources, she has been transfered to the afternoon session under her own request. And what has touched me alot is that, she wished all of us the best luck in STPM ! Well for Chua Yok Ten, she is, at least, a friendly teacher for what I've sensed in these few weeks, and other than that, she is also very serious in teaching. Obviously we have to cut down on our tea time and look for a better replacement ! lolz Another thing I like is her notes. Brief, compact while not missing the important points, I believe I can now do my Chemistry revision in shorter time :P
3. RATS !!! Girls, SCREAMMMMM !!!

Dissected Rat : Rat's Anatomy
Muahaha.... I am going to see who is the first girl that faint during the dissection of rats. According to the seniors, you can see the heart of the rat pumping like a small balloons if you managed to dissect the rat before its heart stops. Well whether its true or not, before the hearts of the rats stop pumping, you can already experience the art of screaming. WAAAAAA!!!!!!! AIYAAAA!!!! ARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!......... Well advice for Bio students : Please be a considerate senior! Lets not distracting our juniors by making them laughing at us all the day! Just like what Koay Tian Soo had told us, you can only let the rats rest in peace in the heaven when you get As in STPM Biology ...... Lets make it!


4. No More "Free" Periods.
4. No More "Free" Periods.
Why do I say so? The Bio One boys had already experienced their terrible "free period" meal. Well this is the story....
" Once upon a time, a group of Bio One boys felt hungry. They decided to have their meals since that was their Free Period(which is stated clearly on the time table given). They marched happily to the canteen, and almost all of them had ordered their yummy foods. Too bad, the sky turned grey, the thunder thumped and the members of the Three Scissor Sisters appeared. The boys couldnt run fast enough coz they were holding their precious and delicious meal of the day. They were caught red handed by the Scissor's Sisters. One was Green Witch Merridean Time and another one was Puyol. The boys were scared, and thus unable to speak clearly. Scissor's Sisters questioned them of course. And one of them replied and told the "mercyful two" that we were on our free periods. However, Scissor's Sisters instructed the boys to put their foods back to the stalls, and asked the Aunties in the canteen to keep the food for them until the recess time. Then, the boys went to seek refuge at the sixth form library..... ..... blah ....blah blah...blah blah blah and they live happily forever after. "
Why do I say so? The Bio One boys had already experienced their terrible "free period" meal. Well this is the story....
" Once upon a time, a group of Bio One boys felt hungry. They decided to have their meals since that was their Free Period(which is stated clearly on the time table given). They marched happily to the canteen, and almost all of them had ordered their yummy foods. Too bad, the sky turned grey, the thunder thumped and the members of the Three Scissor Sisters appeared. The boys couldnt run fast enough coz they were holding their precious and delicious meal of the day. They were caught red handed by the Scissor's Sisters. One was Green Witch Merridean Time and another one was Puyol. The boys were scared, and thus unable to speak clearly. Scissor's Sisters questioned them of course. And one of them replied and told the "mercyful two" that we were on our free periods. However, Scissor's Sisters instructed the boys to put their foods back to the stalls, and asked the Aunties in the canteen to keep the food for them until the recess time. Then, the boys went to seek refuge at the sixth form library..... ..... blah ....blah blah...blah blah blah and they live happily forever after. "

The Scissor's Sisters have been famous in both school and international chatroom. I got this from our ex-student's webpage.
So, boys and gurlz, beware of the Scissor's Sisters when you're eating during the free periods. Remember what the Dragon Slayer told the kids in [The Reign of Fire], " ....When you're sleeping, close one eye and keep another one open......" Take this advice seriously mate, or you will have to keep your economy rice until the next few periods before you can eat it !
5. Viral Infection
5. Viral Infection
This is the first official warning issued by Jit Sin Express after one of our classmate becomes the victim of viral attack, and the target is on the eyes. According to the doctor of the victim himself, the virus invades the defense mechanism of our body,the lymphatic system, causing serious inflammation on the eye. The worst is that, your eye balls might get as big as half a snooker ball ! And the virus carrier? The Locusts. Yes. Its the grasshoppers that we all killed, preserved and used it for our insect box decorations. It might cost you your eyeballs!
This is the first official warning issued by Jit Sin Express after one of our classmate becomes the victim of viral attack, and the target is on the eyes. According to the doctor of the victim himself, the virus invades the defense mechanism of our body,the lymphatic system, causing serious inflammation on the eye. The worst is that, your eye balls might get as big as half a snooker ball ! And the virus carrier? The Locusts. Yes. Its the grasshoppers that we all killed, preserved and used it for our insect box decorations. It might cost you your eyeballs!

Aint it big enough for your eyeball? This is what I meant by the size of half-a-snooker-ball.

Eyes Inflammation. Size of a snooker ball? Nah! Look at mine!
Safety Tips :
1.) Wash your hands with plenty of clean water before and after dealing with insects.
2.) Avoid making direct contact with dead insects.
3.) DONT PURPOSELY AVOID THE VICTIM! This will make him feel really bad! LOLZ
I think thats all for this post. How do you feel about those topics listed? And what are the topics that you think are more interesting? Dont forget to post up your comments and additional information for us !!
Please stay with us with more coverage on 5 Things You Wanna Know This Semester ( School Version).
1.) Wash your hands with plenty of clean water before and after dealing with insects.
2.) Avoid making direct contact with dead insects.
3.) DONT PURPOSELY AVOID THE VICTIM! This will make him feel really bad! LOLZ
I think thats all for this post. How do you feel about those topics listed? And what are the topics that you think are more interesting? Dont forget to post up your comments and additional information for us !!
Please stay with us with more coverage on 5 Things You Wanna Know This Semester ( School Version).