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Entering the Dark Age of Malaysia...

Friday, February 23, 2007

同志们, 敬请注意


初六 23/02/2007

取消 拜访蔡玉甜老师
取消 拜访邱宝美老师
照常 拜访郭天赐老师以及李俊杰同志



初八 25/02/2007




Sunday, February 18, 2007



the below is the information on the CHINESE NEW YEAR visitations.
BIO ONE 大团拜行程表:

初六(Friday) 23/02/2007
10.00 a.m. - Miss Chua Yok Ten's house(39,Tingkat Bagan Baru 12/House Tel. - 04-3230126)

After the visitation in Miss Chua Yok Ten's house, we'll stop by Miss Khoo Po Bee's house and then to Mr. Koay Tian Soo's house.

初八(Sunday) 25/02/2007
Mr. Ong Wah Cheong's house

For more informaition please reply bt leaving your comments or send your email to We will try to answer your request as soon as possible. Thank you.

N. Mandela

Sunday, February 04, 2007

鸡飞狗跳来了!- Happy Chinese New Year

Piggy Year. The 12th animal of the Chinese astrology indicates the final year in the 12-year-a-round Chinese Calender. Pig, according to the ancient Chinese belief is a sign of good fortune and lucks. People born during the year of pig are usually considered as honest, straightfoward and patient persons. Anyhow, remember that the 88's are dragons:P





Leading The Year


Without realising how fast time travelled, now we are in Upper Six already, which means this is our final year in highschool. What we want in this precious one year is of course good results in exam, but other than that, we're trying to make everyday a memorable moment in our minds. As one of the program listed in the activity schedule, class decorating competition was really interesting. At first some of us were hesitating whether to decorate the class or not, but then, the unstoppable force of Bio One emerge from the dark like the awakened .........PiG!!! *ok lar, like the awakened dragon lor:P* Actually we started 3 days later after the date of competition was announced. We started just when the class next door had almost completed their decorating work.




High Speed Actions

The plan started out smoothly. We were picking up very fast that even we ourselve couldnt believe what we were about to see. Just within one day's time, our Bio One was fully decorated with red stuffs from the rubbish bin till the isle outside. Small red angpaus were cut into pieces of mini red clothes hanged across the classrooms. Decorative items like small tanglungs, red cloth, greeting cards, red T-shirts, lion heads filled up every single space available in our class. For the following days, our mood got even higher, and this time we had even completed our Spade no. 2 ( In chinese, its called Dai3 Di2), which is the gorgeous red CNY banners. The red banners with season's greetings on it spreaded beautifully from the top floor to the second floor. An unexpectable count down was held by many people from the ground. Cheerings and applauds filled the atmosphere with great sense of the spring season. After that, we continued the class decoration until the last day, which is the day where teachers will evaluate the decorations of each class.
On that day, two teachers came and evaluated us. They were totally impressed even before they reach our class; girls and boys lined up at the corridor to welcome the teachers. Two of them went into our class, and again, they were amazed to feel the New Year spirit that was long lost in SMJK Jit Sin. The best part of the day was when they were brought to the science laboratary, to catch a look on our class from afar. No doubt, we were given good comments by the two teachers and according to Puan Choo Sat Nee, our class was the best they'd spotted so far.To get a better view on how we gave our classroom a total make over, please scroll downwards to see the photos.


Welcome to Bio One! U6B1


Classmates posing for photos.



Behind the class : Wall is pasted with caligraphy writings, angpaus and greeting cards.



Beautifully decorated isle.



Boyz and Gurlz.


There we are! On the top floor is U6B1 2006/7.




Viewing U6B1 from different angle. The giant banners are simply superb!



We are a big family. Long live Bio One.



Another 全家福taken infront of our classroom.


What I Am Thinking About


Although the result of the winner of this competition is yet to be revealed by the time I am writing, we have had great fun together. For me, the best part of the whole drama is not to win the competition, but the real fun within is the process of decorating the classroom. The time we've spent, the joy and happiness that were shared together. It is certainly a priceless experience that we all experienced.


One last thing, JitSin Express would like to wish everybody be blessed with great fortune and good health, and also a great Chinese New Year.

恭喜发财 ,万事如意
