Saturday, March 29, 2008
It's Not Easy
Sometimes when I need you the most;
Sometimes when I cry in the bed for you;
Sometimes I see the stars and the moon i think of you;
Sometimes memories are blown away by the wind just like the fallen leaves;
Sometimes after a few summers and winters
My heart sounds clearer, beat by beat
My mind is set free like the bird in the sky.
Your picture in my head is replaced with grief and sorrow
and Sometimes
It is just not easy to let you go .
A lyric from my mind, A few words right from my heart.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bloggers Are NOT Stupid
Bloggers Are Not Stupid

Is Abdullah Ready for a War of Technology?
Controlling the mainstream media and manipulating them for government propaganda is just not enough. That is the hidden message our PM, Abdullah tried to tell everybody today while officiating a investment programme in Kuala Lumpur. He says, government's indifference towards the internet had cost them dearly. " Young people nowadays are getting information through sms-es and also online." & " It is a serious mistake that we the government did not pay much attention to the hightech media."
I hope this is a time when all the Barisan Nasional leaders have to start giving freedom and not controlling the mainstream media. To me, personally, this would only cause irritation to the citizens as they felt that they're being fooled like kids.
There is a chinese proverb " when things come to an extreme, they would certainly go against the force" , and I believe this is what had happened to the Malaysian politics. The only "On Air" time for the opposition party was when opposition is to take any blame from the government, and also when the Anwar-dancing-video kept repeating over and over again.

I Not Stupid 2 !
And I can still remember very clearly when our brother, Zainudin Maidin openly critisized bloggers as " stupid ". Whats more is that, I've seen the Circular warning published to warn all the Newspaper publishers not to take any information from the Blogs as their stories. To me, one of the biggest mistake for Abdullah was not being unable to take incharge of the internet, but it is indeed the government's disrespect to the internet users,especially the bloggers and also to the whole blogosphere.
C Guevara
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Quiet One Makes The Loudest Noise
Today, two weeks after the miserable defeat, and finally, Samy Vellu, who is said to be the most quiet minister in Malaysia, made his first moan in a few decades.
PAST : Remember Samy blasted the Hindraf and the opposition party for being "noisy"? According to Samy Vellu, critics know only how to make noise. And our so called "free & independent" media helped our not-that-noisy minister to convey his message to the people of Malaysia.

I never make noise like you, Hindraf boys!
NOW : As the government itself, Samy Vellu wants the "government" (he himself lar) to take immediate action and implementations that were promised earlier. He said "We want the Indian community to move forward with the other communities" (tell you lar, only after he kalah then baru he says such a thing) .He had even said "You (the opposition) have been elected to form governments in several states. Do not just point fingers at anyone. Tell the people of your plans to uplift them socially and economically," (again i tell you, Samy is an expert at pointing fingers at people).
Whatever it is, one advice to everyone, dont speak too little while you're on the throne.
c guevara
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hisham : No To Illegal Gathering.
I say : What about this?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
KULI To Run For UMNO Presidency
In the midst of the "follow-up" problems after Barisan Nasional failed to retain its 2/3 majority, one man has appeared to the public once more to "save" UMNO from its struggle to revive its political influence,--- KuLi.
Tengku Razali, or better known as KULI was the backbone of the coalition to counter Mahathir during his reign. After more than a decade of hibernation in the political arena, the MP of Gua Musang has voiced up, and said he would run for presidency in the coming next UMNO party election. He also said that " those who held responsible for everything should not be sleeping anymore", stating that he would hold a meeting to discuss the recent set-back of UMNO in general election, in depth.
KuLi, who was also the head of famous Semangat 46, is at his 70's now, but sounded young when interviewed. He says "I'm still young. I can accept the challenge from anyone as I still have pontential in politics." " The annual conference of UMNO is going to be loaded with problems, and I think that we should discussed more on the failure of UMNO in the recent general election.He also asked sarcastically, " Are they(UMNO Leaders) still in a deep sleep after loosing the authority in five states?"
Is KuLi a savior to the Intra-UMNO-Crisis? We will wait and see.
C Guevara
Sunday, March 16, 2008
UMNO Vs Unity
I can still remember what the UMNO people had cited in the press just a few days ago, when LimKitSiang had announced to the public to boycott the Mentri Besar Perak. They said " The action of boycotting the MB selected by the State Sultan is a mean of contempt towards the royal." Remember? As if they're the loyals to the royal.
In Chinese proverb, there is a famous saying " The elephant trunk wont grow from a dog's mouth". While I'm not trying to describe these UMNO people as "d*g", I'd say that they're at least a group of human being with deformed mouths, whereby elephant trunks growing out from their mouths just like that. ------> They like bullshitting.
The statement made above is proven to be true, when even Abdullan Badawi himself had spoken out. He had elected the original Menteri Besar to hold the MB post, which is also a sign of disapproving the candidate chosen by the Perlis Royal Highness. Did I hear it wrong? Is UMNO trying to go against the will of Raja Perlis? What about the so called "UMNO supporters" (or maybe the UMNO members) who voiced their support to the ex-Perlis MB, Shahidan, named by our Prime Minister, which is also an act of disobeying the Raja Perlis? ..................Double standards? Hipocrisy? Dont ask me.
Besides, when it comes to power in politics, even the "united" UMNO has started to show signs of breaking up into pieces. Mukhriz vs PM is expected to be a hot-newly-released-drama.I would like to urge these people, to respect and obey their State Ruler. It is a total contempt towards the Royals to go against their will, especially when they really mean to do something. I also hope that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah can set an example to their "loyal supporters" left, so that to behave in good manner and also to obey the Consitution of Malaysia.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe I should remind Pak Lah about his Rukun Negara Program.Pak Lah, please follow after me.....
say, Taat Setia Kepada Raja Dan Negara > means being loyal to the King and the Country, you dont go against a Raja's will.
and, please drink a cup of plain water to ensure that you're able to repeat after me.
say, Keluhuran Perlembagaan > means supremacy of the constitution, you cannot do as you like without following the rules and constitution.
Feel like sleeping Pak Lah? Better wake up now before its too late. Racial and religious issues do not work on Malaysians ANYMORE,and the real and genuine UNITY is on the way against racism . Wake up Pak Lah.
C Guevara
Friday, March 14, 2008
And Who Is The Racist Now?
Many have appeared to be so unsatisfied and disturbed after the opposition officially took over the duty to rule five states in Malaysia. Many have sacarstically expressed their "worries" for being ruled by the DAP in Penang. And surprisingly, I've even seen TV3 programmes guest trying to spark racial issues without the fear of being sued under the Sedition Act.
Today more than a few hundreds of "suppressed" citizens have gathered illegally infront of the Komtar building, acting like they've been shit-ed for 50 years by the opposition party.
Who are these people? Are they the real "suppressed"? Do you drive Mercedes Bens when you're suppressed? Holy No. Only the UMNO people like Khairy Jamaluddin will bark around as if he is very poor while owning millions of shares in stock market. Mind me to say, the leader of the racist rally this afternoon was led by the ex chief minister of Penang, Mohd Rashid that own a bungalow in the prestigious gated Taman Tambun Indah, with sport cars as his transport. Is he suppressed of sideline? Shit him. He sidelined the Malays during his ruling. He sucked the money from the people. And now he pretended to be a poor guy. Poor Guy.
Knowing that the UMNO racists had actually sent out sms-es to let hate infiltrate into people's heart made me so furious.
Reacting to LimKitSiang's call to boycott the appointment of Menteri Besar Perak and also Guang Eng's promise to stop practising NEP in Penang, the UMNO has been making such a big issue out of it. They did not hesitate to show off their racist banners in a state where this kind of action is no where to be found in Penang, telling the whole world that DAP menghina Melayu, because of the NEP stuff. Now its my turn to ask them, does NEP represents Malay? To me, NEP is nothing but a policy to trap the people's wealth into the pockets of UMNO. Living in Penang for more than ten years made me realised that Penang is actually one of the very few states where all its people, regardless of race and religion can live, work and play under the same sun and on the same land without any party being marginalised like some who had to live beside Zakaria's palace.
UMNO had claimed that NEP is a policy that benefit all races, that NEP helps the poor to get rich. But why did I see such a banner by the road side " Guan Eng Mansuh NEP, DAP menghina Melayu"? Indeed i would like to correct the statements those UMNO idiots chant around the KOMTAR into---->"Mansuh NEP, Menghina UMNO" simply because NO ONE other than the UMNO politikus had earned millions and sucked the money from Malay, Chinese and Indians into their fat belly.We do not deserve such a threat from UMNO. We do not have to live in fear just because UMNO wish to continue their corrupted practises and to misuse taxpayer's money.To prove that BN is a lawful "national front", punish those idiot UMNO youths demonstrating by the roadside. Make them stay in jail under ISA. Shoot them with water cannons and hit their head with batons like what the FRU did to the peace demonstrator in the BERSIH and HINDRAF rally. Why not?
The penang UMNOs are racists too!
C Guevara from
Before I discuss about the disgusting attitude shown by the UMNO leaders in Penang, I would like to show you guys a video on a press conference with Lim Guan Eng. The Penang Chief Minister said:-
1. He hopes Penang in four years from now would be more dynamic.
2.Hopes Penang can attract more value-added investments.
3.Shared prosperity amongst Penangites.
4. Assured that there would be no witch-hunts on those who fail in the previous government either involve themselves in corruption or their disability to carry out their responsibility.
5.Assured Penang Malays that they WILL NOT be marginalised.
6. Government projects will be of open tender & done in a transparent manner
7. He said that the NEP was GOOD, but it has only benefited some and many more Malays are still poor
The following is the Video of the press conference with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I hereby would like to announce, for the first time in history Penang has 2 Deputy Chief Ministers.Just morning Penang's new Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, had appointed 2 deputites in assisting him in governing the Penang state. Deputy Chief Minister (1) is PKR's Penanti state assembly person Mohd Fairus Khairuddin whereas Deputy Chief Minister (2) goes to DAP’s Perai representative P Ramasamy. Another history made is for the first time in history there is an Indian representative in a higher position in the government............
(Visit for the complete story)
N. Mandela
The website is
Thank you.
N. Mandela
Monday, March 10, 2008
"Now the individual component parties within Barisan talk about the rights of the multi-racial community separately. Why not talk about Bangsa Malaysia and policies for Bangsa Malaysia?" quoted by Datuk M. Kayveas.
I totally agree with his opinion and the Malaysian governing system really needs to change if we opt for a change for a brighter future.
N. Mandela
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Lim Guan Eng as Chief Minister of Penang (DAP)
Datuk Khalid as Menteri Besar Selangor(KEADILAN)
Teng Chang Yeow as Chief Minister of Selangor(DAP)
Azizan as Menteri Besar Kedah(PAS)
Nga Kor Han MAY be the Menteri Besar Perak.(DAP)
some suggest that the head of PAS will be leading Perak instead.
The election of Menteri Besar Perak came into a halt when the state referred it to the Constitution, which state that only a Malay, or a Muslim, or a non-Muslim with the consent of the Sultan of Perak may become a Menteri Besar.
c guevara
Now there are altogether 5 states which are under the governing of the opposition parties which mainly consist of DAP, PKR & PAS, which are PENANG, KEDAH, SELANGOR, KELANTAN,and PERAK. As for the chief minister post for Penang will go to Lim Guan Eng(DAP), which has been confirmed.
This major tsunami of the Malaysian politics not only makes history but more importantly reflects the power of the rakyat(Makkai Sakhti) where all rakyat regardless of races & religion stands as ONE.
I personally am very touched by this extraordinary scene. It refects that Malaysians have become matured and not easily cheated by the rumors n false prediction by the UMNO leaders by making use of the television advertisements, radios & the newspaper. The rakyat knows that Barisan Nasional have been too corrupted and this has caused our country, Malaysia, our downfalling economy status as well as poverty throughout the nation in rural areas and especially the Indian community.
At last, we, Malaysians have hope of living in a country of JUSTICE, EQUAL RIGHTS & PROSPERITY. This is just the beginning, NOW it's the time for the opposition leaders to prove that they shall walk the talk and LEAD Malaysia to be a well-developed nation as well as a FAIR country FOR ALL MALAYSIANS!
N. Mandela
Saturday, March 08, 2008
According to dependable information, opposition party, DAP, won almost ALL seats they contested in Penang, NO MCA or GERAKAN survivor left at this moment.
Samy Vellu Lost
Khor Tsu Kun Lost -CONFIRMED
All THREE Penang Chief Minister Candidates are losing now.(Dr.Teng, Lee Kah Chuan, .....)
Pak lah Won with only about 1000 majority
Melaka City falls into DAP's hand
Ong Ka Ting & Ong Ka Chuan WOn (damn)
Stay with us for more updates.
this is the power of the PEOPLE. Makkal Sakti.
c guevara
Friday, March 07, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 (Bernama) -- The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) 2007 examination results will be released on Tuesday.
The Malaysian Examinations Council, in a statement here today, said candidates from schools will be able to get their results from noon on Tuesday while private candidates would get theirs through the post.
Candidates can also obtain their results through the short-messaging-system (SMS) by typing STPM and send to 39903 or by visiting the council's website at .
The council will also hold a press conference on Tuesday on its analysis of the results.
A total of 66,047 candidates sat for the STPM last year of whom 57,395 (86.90 per cent) were government school students, 3,122 (4.73 per cent) private school students and 5,530 (8.37 per cent) private candidates.
This is an article I got from the net. Hope all of you will start to get ready for this special and "exciting" event for all STPM candidates.
N. Mandela