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Entering the Dark Age of Malaysia...

Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 年十大大马新闻



在马来西亚这个国度,外劳被虐并非新鲜事,但今年却爆发一宗引起印尼举国民愤的虐待案。事关案件主角竟是印尼名模马诺哈拉(Manohara Odelia Pinot)与她的王子夫婿东姑法克立(Tengku Muhammad Fakhry )。


manohara odelia pinot tengku fakhry kelantan



现年31岁的东姑法克里虽然胜出这场官司,不料不久后却被担任摄政王的胞兄东姑法立兹(Tengku Faris)除名,撤除他在王位继承理事会的名字。








anti ppsmi rally 070209 crowd



anti ppsmi rally 070209 chinese educationalist






踏入2009年不久,我国扣留所内又再添上一笔嫌犯暴毙的纪录。这名印裔青年古甘(Kugan Ananthan),被指涉及数项发生在梳邦再也的偷车案,于1月15日遭到逮捕与扣留在梳邦大班(Taipan)警察局。不料,他却在20日早上被发现倒毙在扣留所内。

kugan ananthan funeral 230109


除了古甘以外,另一名印裔青年古纳瑟卡兰(R Gunesegaran)及众多的非法移民等,都被发现在扣留所内离奇毙命。




















验尸庭在7月底开始审讯,本地法医供证指向赵明福乃跳楼自杀,例如凯鲁阿兹曼(Khairul Azman Ibrahim)就表示,赵明福遗体上的所有22个伤势都是从高处坠下造成,也没有出现任何因为挣扎或自卫所造成的明显伤势。
























后 续发展:媒体纷纷揣测民都鲁国会议员兼国阵后座议员理事会主席张庆信,以及被公账会点名的前交通部长陈广才,是否将成为首批被控的“大鱼”。目前大家的眼 光都聚集在首相纳吉身上,要看他是否真的具有政治决心,将身居高职的幕后黑手绳之以法,真正通过他上台后最关键的其中一项最严峻考验。







没料到的是,在翁蔡对决一触即发之际,国阵后座议员理事会主席兼自贸区总承包商Kuala Dimensi有限公司首席执行员张庆信也插上一脚,声称他在翁诗杰的要求下,在去年以现金方式,分3次把一千万令吉政治献金交给翁诗杰,以便“充当马华区会的活动基金”,引发贿赂疑云。












liow tiong lai and faction resign 151209 frontimage


后 续发展:不过,正当外界普遍认为马华领导层即将举行重选,不过两派随后却针对两大臂膀是否重选陷入僵局,甚至传出多名中委也无意辞职重选,导致重选似乎又 变成不可能了,虽然廖派已经率先提呈13名中委的辞职信。如此一来,这一场从2008年党选即开始的党争,似乎也将延烧至2010年才有机会解决。


2. 纳吉新政挑战:从潜水艇到战斗机引擎




najib tun razak and people纳吉不久后也推出“一个马来西亚,以民為先,即刻表現” 口号,作为自己的治国标志,企图给人耳目一新的新形象。他也高调地走访吉隆坡各个拥有明显种族色彩的地区,例如茨场街及十五碑等地,突出与民同在的作风。






tudm northrop f-5 tiger ii 231209

F-5E 战斗机引擎每台价值5000万令吉,在2007年6月放置在新街场空军基地货仓时发现失窃,同时其该台发动机的维修记录文件也不知所终,而11月第二台同型号发动机被送往维修时也失窃,让皇家空军同时面临1亿令吉的损失。

警 方已经鉴定4名空军人员可能涉及失窃案,其中一人是拥有高军阶的军官。虽然警方将失窃案列为刑事失信处理,可是根据军事法律,失职者将被控上军事法庭。国 防部长阿末查希誓言以叛国罪来提控涉案人士。虽然早前报道指一名准将因为此案被革职,但是国防部却罕见地高调否认这名军官涉案,不过许多读者却质疑国防部 没有全盘托出真相。


后 续发展:面对世界经济不景、外来投资锐减和石油即将枯竭的困境,纳吉必须有过人的领导能力才能够带领这个国家杀出重围,重拾经济繁荣。在政治方面,纳吉也 仍有待具体兑现其全民政治口号,同时力挡巫统右派的扯后腿和反扑。若纳吉在政经方面改革上,不能拿出大作为,那么他势必步上阿都拉的后尘,而国阵政权也可 能因此而断送。



najib pc on bn takeover of perak state with 4 aduns 050209国阵在今年2月策动3名民联议员,包括行动党籍九洞州议员许月凤、公正党籍美冷州议员贾玛鲁丁及章吉遮令州议员莫哈末奥斯曼退党,宣布成为亲国阵独立议员,夺取在去年308大选后落入民联手中的州政权。


perak state govt crisis state adun assemble under the rain tree 030309根据宪法学者的说法,这场风波就涉及至少13个宪法和法律上的争议,包括议员跳槽、没有日期的辞职信、苏丹革除大臣的权力、议长决定议席悬空和冻结议员的权力、州议会革除议长的程序、“背叛苏丹”,以及警方阻扰议员执行任务等等。




nizar jamaluddin sworn in at parliament opposition mps disolve perak state adun headband incident 150609




Friday, December 25, 2009

Jit Sin PMR 2009 is Penang no. 1

Like in other government examinations, Jit Sin has once again topped the chart of PMR 2009. With 238 candidates scoring straight 8A's, Jit Sin is the best among the best in Penang state, if not the whole nation. Congratulations to all smart and hardworking students who have again made us proud of SMJK Jit Sin.

We are Bukit Mertajam-kia. The unbeatable 大山脚人。

Below is the extraction from Click Here to read the full report.






C Guevara

Merry Christmas To All

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. May our lives be filled with joy and love at all time. Lets celebrate the birth of Christ, our savior.

C Guevara

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's not this simple - the PKFZ Scandal

Finally someone got charged and brought to the court of justice. The PKFZ had indeed cost taxpayers billions of ringgits, and just like many other corruption cases in Malaysia, those who have been charged are only the ikan bilis. So far, the ministerial level individuals who condoned and involved in this shameful scandal are still at large. The abuse of power had definitely happened, but the government took its first step to legally clear themselves of any wrong doings with the help of MACC.

The whole Port Klang Free Zone scandal is not this simple; without the guarantee of protection and participation of the government, such multi-million-dollars crime could never happen just like that. It's just not convincing enough that a few engineers or architects are the masterminds behind everything happened.

C Guevara

Reports from The Malaysian Insider.

Former Kuala Dimensi engineer charged


By Neville Spykerman

KLANG, Dec 14 — A former engineer with Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB), the turnkey contractor of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), was brought to the Sessions Court here this morning and charged with 24 counts of cheating in connection with the PKFZ scandal.

Law Jenn Dong, 51, is jointly accused with Bernard Tan, an architect with BT Architect, who was charged last week for cheating involving RM122.3 million.

Law is accused of making 24 false claims involving a total sum of RM122.267 million. He claimed trial.

Bail was set at RM250,000 by Sessions Court judge Yong Sazali and the case will be mentioned on Feb 4.

Tan also faces two other charges of making false claims with KDSB chief operating officer Steven Abok.

Law is led into court by a policeman. — Picture by Jack Ooi

Apart from the Tan and Abok, the most senior person charged thus far has been former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager OC Phang, who was charged with CBT amounting to RM254 million, to which she claimed trial, last Thursday.

She was granted bail of RM350,000 in one surety. The case will start on Jan 12, on which date she has been asked to surrender her passport.

Abok and Tan's case meanwhile will be mentioned on Feb 4. They have also been released on bail.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail had also given his assurance that more people will be charged in relation to PKFZ.

"The charging of other individuals will come in stages," promised the A-G in a statement on Thursday.

The PKFZ controversy arose after the cost to develop the massive 400-hectare integrated cargo distribution hub spiralled from RM2 billion to RM4.6 billion.

Law is accused of cheating PKA into endorsing payment to KDSB for electrical infrastructure work which allegedly was not carried out.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 10 years’ jail, whipping and a possible fine for each of the 24 charges.

So far it’s unclear if prominent Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians such as former Transport Minister Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy or Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, who controls KDSB, will face any action.

Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee recently recommended that Chan and Phang be investigated for criminal breach of trust in the PKFZ scandal.

It also recommended investigations into the role of other government officials serving in PKA when the project was being developed. The PAC found both Chan and Phang to have breached the Financial Procedure Act 1957 by issuing three letters of support and three letters of undertaking without the approval of the Finance Ministry.

The PKA sued Phang on Oct 8 for breach of duties in connection with the scandal-plagued PKFZ project.

C Guevara

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Updates on School Band Genting Road Accident

Taken from Kwong Wah Online News

40 students and teachers from SMJK Jit Sin escaped unhurt after one of the six buses heading to Genting Highland yesterday tipped over.

赴云顶参加管弦乐队赛 巴士翻覆日新国中40师生幸无恙

二零零九年十一月二十四日 凌晨十二时五十四分






日新国中校长陈金忠:师生有惊无险 明返大山脚





C Guevara

Monday, November 23, 2009

Road Accidents - School Band is okay

Received news from a friend a couple of minutes ago about the road accidents involving a school bus with Jit Sin Philharmonic Orchestra and Jit Sin Chinese Orchestra's members which were on their way to Genting Highland.

No serious injury was reported and everyone managed to crawl out from the overturned vehicle.

C Guevara

Saturday, November 21, 2009

May the truth be revealed

Those government-hired and corrupt coroners, just F*** off. No one will ever believe in those S*** you all created, and the truth shall be unveiled.

Articles taken from The Malaysian Insider

Teoh body exhumed


By Syed Jaymal Zahiid

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 21 — The exhumation of Teoh Beng Hock’s body for a second autopsy, ordered by the inquest into his recent death, has been completed. The exhumation comes following the testimony of Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand that the death of the political aide was very likely a homicide.

A team of over ten police forensic experts had earlier cordoned off the grave area with the aid of several cemetery workers, who are helping with the exhumation.

Teoh’s family members arrived earlier, and began offering rites to the departed’s spirit. A feng shui master explained that the time of the exhumation had been chosen specifically to coincide with swallows beginning the day, for good luck.

Dr Pornthip is also on the scene to observe the exhumation process.

Also present were two other forensic experts — Dr Shahidan Md Noor, who is chief pathologist at the Sungai Buloh Hospital, and UK pathologist hired by the MACC, Dr Peter Venezis.

Following the prayer rituals, the casket was successfully disinterred and displayed to the media present, before being covered in plastic sheets.

Dr Pornthip (centre) was on hand to observe the exhumation. — Pictures by Choo Choy May

The family’s lawyer, Gobind Singh Deo, said that all parties involved were satisfied with the way the exhumation was performed and added that Teoh’s body was still in good condition for the second autopsy.

Dr Shahidan along with Dr Pornthip are expected to carry out an X-ray examination on the body later.

The casket containing the body has been transported to the hospital, which will be the site of the second autopsy scheduled to run from 9.30am to noon tomorrow.

Gobind said lawyers representing Teoh’s family will also be there to hold a watching brief.

“This is to ensure that no complications will come in the future, so it’s better to make sure everything is alright now,” explained Gobind, who is also Puchong MP.

Teoh’s former employer, Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, said at the cemetery: “I hope the second autopsy will reveal the truth.”

Yong also stated his desire to know how much the government spent hiring the UK pathologist, Dr Venezis — one of two foreign pathologists, along with Dr Pornthip, who will be observing the second autopsy.

Teoh’s sister, Lee Lan, leads the procession at today’s exhumation.

He said it was of public interest that the amount paid to hire the foreign expert be disclosed, as public funds were used to procure his services.

Dr Venezis, who serves as a director at the Cameron Centre for Forensic Medical Sciences in London, has handled over 2,000 autopsy cases involving sudden death, of which 1,500 were found to be homicides.

“The fact that they hired a foreign expert shows they have no confidence in the local pathologists,” Yong added.

DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and Ronnie Lie were also in attendance. Both expressed hope that a fresh autopsy will reveal who or what “killed” Teoh.

Lim also added that Teoh’s death may have been a contributing factor towards Malaysia’s worst ever placing in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index.

C Guevara

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More Revealed - Bala The Missing PI

Be sure to check out the video interview with Bala about how he was bribed and threatened to retract his first statutory declaration.

Article from The Malaysian Insider.

PI Bala Claims Second SD Made Under Threat To Family


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 17 — Missing private investigator P. Balasubramaniam is now saying he rescinded a statutory declaration (SD) linking Datuk Seri Najib Razak to a murdered Mongolian model after his family was threatened within a day of his statement in July 2008.

Bala also related in an interview carried by the news portal today that he left the country for Singapore the same day of his second SD and later for Bangkok.

He stressed that he signed the second SD without even reading it.

The former policeman also claimed he was given the equivalent of RM20,000 in Hong Kong dollars for expenses as he and his family were due to go to the Chinese city. However, they switched destinations to Chennai.

In the second part of an interview filed under the column of fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, Bala said the entire process of repudiating the first SD was coordinated by a businessman named Deepak, whom Raja Petra claims is a close associate of Najib’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

The first part of the interview was carried last week and included an 88-second video clip. Bala’s confession came about as he was a witness in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial by virtue of being a private detective hired to keep watch over her by political strategist Abdul Razak Baginda, who was acquitted of plotting his former lover’s death.

“I was concerned for the safety of my family. Deepak had informed me he wanted me to retract my first statutory declaration and then to immediately leave the country with my family,” said Bala in reply to questions in the interview.

“I was in a state of shock as to what was happening. I had anticipated that I would be arrested and interrogated after releasing my first statutory declaration but I did not anticipate my family would be threatened so I was not prepared for this.

“As this VIP Datuk was also involved, I realised the situation was very serious,” he said without naming the person.

Bala then related how he went home and explained to his wife that they were leaving Malaysia immediately, instructing her to apply for passports for their children and to renew her own passport.

Bala claims he was coerced into signing the second SD. — Reuters pic
He added he arranged for them to also take their luggage along so that they could leave soon after the passports were issued.

Bala then followed a police officer friend, who was suspended from duty, to the Hilton KL to meet Deepak and the businessman’s brother, Dinesh, were he told them he preferred going to Chennai rather than Hong Kong.

“Deepak agreed to this. He then tried to arrange a private jet for us. This had to be cancelled when it was realised we would have to go through immigration at the airport.

“Deepak then suggested we go through Singapore by road, and then fly to Bangkok en route to Chennai. I agreed,” he added.

Bala said the conversation then turned to the seriousness of the first SD and that he had to retract it or “otherwise they could not guarantee anything if the deal failed”.

He also claimed that Deepak bragged about being close to Rosmah as she frequented the businessman’s carpet shop in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur.

Bala said at 7.45am on July 3, someone delivered a draft copy of the second statutory declaration to the hotel, which Deepak picked up.

He said he was then asked sign the new statutory declaration in front of a Malay man who was said to be a commissioner for oaths and who attested his signature. Once this was done, Deepak left in a separate car.

“I was never given an opportunity to read the contents of this statutory (declaration),” Bala stressed.

Bala explained he and Dinesh then went to the Prince Hotel in Kuala Lumpur where they met with Deepak again, who introduced him to “Mr Arunampalam”, a lawyer.

“This lawyer spoke to me and told me to just keep quiet in the press conference arranged for us in the main lobby. He told me not to talk to any of the reporters under any circumstances and that he would do all the talking,” he added.

He claimed Deepak then told Arunampalam to answer not more than three questions from the reporters waiting downstairs and handed him a few copies of the second statutory declaration to distribute.

Bala said both Arunampalam and he took the lift down to the main lobby, where they met four or five reporters.

“Mr. Arunampalam talked to them and gave each of them a copy second statutory declaration. He told the reporters that I had been forced to sign the first statutory declaration under duress and that I now wanted to retract the contents,” he claimed, adding the lawyer refused to answer questions asked by the reporters.

Bala said the lawyer then drove him back to the Hilton KL and that he never saw the man again.

Asked if he had engaged the lawyer, Bala said, “No. I have never met this lawyer before. Deepak was the one who arranged for him to represent me at the press conference. I never told him what to say. All this was arranged by Deepak and not myself.”

He said he then went back to a hotel room where Deepak gave him RM20,000 worth of Hong Kong dollars for expenses.

“He told me he had arranged a tourist van to drive me and my family to Singapore where we were to catch a flight to Bangkok,” said Bala, who then went to pick up his family at the Pusat Bandar Damansara immigration office and left immediately for Singapore by road.

“The driver stopped at the Malaysian immigration at the causeway and we all had to get out of the van to present our passports at the counter. None of our passports were stamped,” he said, adding they then cleared Singapore immigration and headed for the Changi international airport.

He said he then changed some money to call Deepak about their Bangkok flight and was told the tickets were at the Silkair counter.

“We all caught the evening flight to Bangkok, which left Singapore at about 8.00pm,” Bala said.

The news portal is to publish more of the interview in the coming weeks.

There has been no official reaction from Najib and family over Bala’s claims but some pro-Umno bloggers have poured scorn over the latest allegations as an opposition smear campaign to unseat the prime minister.

C Guevara

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bala Paid to Retract His SD?

RM5mil was allegedly offered to Bala, the missing private investigator, to retract his statutory declaration made against Najib.

RM5mil does sound a lot, but seriously, it is nothing compared to the values of what Bala knows.

Hehe ...perhaps someone should have paid Bala RM50mil? LoL well at least we know Mr.Bala is NOT THAT CHEAP.

Enjoy the interview with Bala, uploaded on youtube.

Article below taken from The Malaysian Insider

PI Bala claims offered RM5m to retract statement


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 13 — Missing private investigator P. Balasubramaniam has claimed in a video clip that he was offered RM5 million to retract his statutory declaration that linked Datuk Seri Najib Razak to murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shaaribuu, reigniting allegations that the prime minister has vehemently denied.

Balasubramaniam's claims were aired in an undated 88-second video clip today hosted by the website whose main contributor is the fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin. The first statutory declaration (SD) was also put up with the video clip.

"Deepak actually came to see me because he want me to retract my first SD... After that he offered me RM5 million for me to retract the SD," Balasubramaniam said in the video clip, referring to a person whom Raja Petra says is linked to Najib's wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Balasubramaniam, a former police officer, disappeared with his family on July 4, 2008 after making a second SD that overturned the first declaration. His location remains unknown until now.

The website said there will be more video clips featuring the Balasubramaniam interview. In the first part, the private investigator also claimed he was asked to go to Putrajaya to meet certain individuals over his SD.

"He was asking me to go to Putrajaya with him but he never mentioned whom he wanted me to meet in Putrajaya," Balasubramaniam said, referring to the country's administrative capital.

July 3, 2008 file photo of Balasubramaniam at a news conference in Petaling Jaya. He disappeared with his family the next day. — Reuters pic

Balasubramaniam's two SDs had rocked the murder trial of Altantuya, who was killed on Oct 19, 2006. Three people, including political and defence strategist Abdul Razak Baginda, were arrested for plotting her death.

Abdul Razak, who admitted to an affair with the Mongolian model who also acted as an interpreter, claimed he did not order her death but wanted the policemen to stop her from harassing or blackmailing him over their affair.

He was acquitted without his defence being called while the two policemen charged, Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, were sentenced to the gallows for killing her.

Balasubramaniam was initially hired by Abdul Razak to keep watch over Altantuya's movements when she was in Kuala Lumpur to allegedly blackmail the political strategist, who is a known close associate of then Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Najib.

His first SD was announced in a press conference with opposition leaders on July 2, 2008 but a day later, he stunned the country when a different lawyer brandished a second SD that overturned the contents of the first declaration.

Balasubramaniam then went missing, according to his nephew who claims his uncle is now in an undisclosed location.

C Guevara

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Get the BIG Fish, Not Anchovies.

I have so little faith in MACC that I dont even think the ex-ministers alledged of being part of the PKFZ scandal will be brought to the court. MACC is again trying to prove itself worthy to the society; by targeting on small political aides or the most, an MP.

While people like Lingam and Mahathir who enjoyed their political careers by unlawfully influencing our nation's judiciary system are still at large, can MACC really be trusted in carrying out unbiased investigations on the current cases in their hands?

Innocent lives have been sacrificed under the ruthless effort of our government to regain majority control over the country. Cover-ups, aquittals of big business figures and ministers are still going on right now. How much more damages our country can take before falling into the third world category?

Shoot the big shots, MACC, not the sparrows.

The article below is taken from The Malaysian Insider

MACC needs wins, not just big sweeps

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 — The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will put another low-level politician in the dock today after six on Tuesday but all these occasional headline-grabbing sweeps will come to naught if it fails to secure one conviction.
After all, its success is few and far in between.

Much has been invested in the MACC, from stringent laws and punishments to special courts to fast-track the process against the corrupt who have lived off profitable relationship between government and business or where rules and regulations require palms to be greased.

It can happen with someone low in the hierarchy like an office-boy or an assistant to someone at the top of the ladder like a chief executive officer, an accountant, a magistrate or even a minister.
Malaysians just have to remember names like Tan Sri Eric Chia, Tan Sri Kasitah Gaddam, Datuk Saidin Thamby and other high-profile cases of corruption that made the headlines over the past years. All ended in acquittals.

The point to be learnt here is that dragging politicians to court and getting headlines is something Malaysians have seen before. It is as seasonal as the durians or the haze that smothers Malaysia annually.

There shouldn't be much political capital made of capturing such miscreants. It is part of the job and not the entire job of eradicating corruption.

After all in Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's election manifesto in Election 2008, his report card as it was called, the country's fifth prime minister was proud of the fact that the then Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) was investigating more cases.
One cannot tell if the ACA was investigating more cases or that the cases were growing faster than they could be prevented or eradicated.

Another point worth considering is the fact that some of those charged with graft involve measly sums for mundane things like ordering flags for RM2,400. How about those in Mara who purchased two notebook computers for RM84,640?

And what about those who approved buying the land for the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) for 67 per cent more than they could have? The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report is just the latest in a series of reports and allegations made over the years for this case.

What happened to the big fish? What happened to federal ministers who are quite clearly living beyond their means, let alone state leaders who live opulent lifestyles within a short time of government appointments.

When will they get to see their day in court? If ever.
And finally, can Malaysians surmise that only because of the fallout from Teoh Beng Hock's death that the MACC is trying to be even handed. That it is also looking at those from the ruling federal coalition apart from the few among their political rivals.

But going after small men in Umno/Barisan Nasional while allowing those who have gorged at the trough does not cut it as strong action to curb corruption.

The MACC has to do more. It has to get the big fish. It has to get the convictions that will keep the corrupt locked away for a long time as an example to those who think there are easy ways of making money.

Only then Malaysians will have the conviction to trust the MACC.

C Guevara

Saturday, October 31, 2009

日新,日新 又日新

Created by Dennis Lim, the video maker who was featured here a few times before, decided that he would not let his high school bittersweet moments fade away just like that.

Upon graduating from SMJK Jit Sin, he and his fellow graduating school mates created one of the most memorable video clip on our school anthem.

Many of us would be missing those times we had back at SMJK Jit Sin. And this video clip will certainly put a big smile on your face..... you and I reminiscing the air of Friday mornings filled with the repetitive,yet unforgettable " 日新,日新。。。又。。日新。。!! "

Click on the Video Play Button to view

Dennis Lim's YouTube Site is featuring all his previous and also the latest works which include some of my favorite comedies.

An introduction to Dennis Lim's personal interest in film making can be found here.

C Guevara

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Roadshow - in Penang!

Penangites of all ages,races and religions, spare your day for this roadshow!

We often say we need changes for Malaysia and Malaysians.
But what kind of changes?

If your understanding towards the meaning of being a MALAYSIAN is still vague and unclear, I can confidently tell you that THIS roadshow IS THAT KIND OF CHANGE that we need; or at least, this is the first basic step toward those changes for the sake of a better Malaysia.

Read more down here.

Taken from Haris Ibrahim's blog, The People's Parliament.

We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers – Emmeline Pankhurst


Penangites, block out 15th November, 2009 in your diary.

The Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Roadshow, which has been planned as a full-day event, hits Penang on that day.

The venue : Hu Yew Seah Hall, 43 Madras Lane, Penang

We will kick off the event with a half-day youth workshop “Ada Apa Dengan Bangsa?” that morning, anchored by our smart partner, KOMAS. Participants will be urged to explore our identity, who we really are and what we believe in as Malaysians.

Numbers at the youth workshop, which is scheduled to start sharp at 9.00am, to be conducted with a mix of both Bahasa Malaysia and English, will be limited to 30 participants so that there will be greater scope for interaction.

If you’re aged between 17 – 25 and would like to participate in the youth workshop, send your details ( name, i.c. number, address, telephone contact number, and what you are presently doing ) to

The SABM forum, simply entitled “Bring Along A Friend”, kicks off in the afternoon, tentatively scheduled to start at 2.30pm, with the screening of “Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka”, an excellent documentary by Fahmi Reza, who will himself be at the forum to share some of his thoughts with us. The documentary gives an insight into the state of politics some 10 years before Malaya attained independence from the British. This documentary makes for an excellent backdrop for the forum and Q & A session that will follow immediately after.

A panel of speakers is being assembled to deliver some thought-provoking ideas whereafter participants will be given ample time during the Q & A session to get in on the healthy discussion that we hope will happen. The names of panellists will be announced at a later date.

We will serve light refreshments after the forum and Q & A session and then we will be screening KOMAS’ “Gaduh”. If you have not yet watched this short film, this screening in itself may be reason enough for you take make the effort to attend the forum.

Why is the forum entitled “Bring Along A Friend”?

Quite simply, because that’s what you’ll have to do to attend the forum.

This is how it works.

Attendance is by invitation.

So you’ll have to e-mail us for an invitation, both for yourself and a friend of yours.

Now if you’re a Malay Malaysian, you’ll also have to register a non-Malay Malaysian friend, besides registering yourself for the forum. Conversely, if you’re non-Malay Malaysian, we will require you to also register a Malay Malaysian friend.

As with the youth workshop, if you’d like to attend the forum, send your and your friend’s details ( name, i.c. number, address, telephone contact number, and what you and your friend are presently doing ) to

C Guevara

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Updates on Beng Hock's Case - A Homicide?

The two government-appointed pathologists have to explain this - why did they fail to pick up even 1 of the few suspicions which the independent Thai pathologist suggested are signs of Beng Hock being tortured before he fell to death.

Ho ho ho.... A corrupted government..A liar MACC .... and even our pathologists can be bribed.... how cheap...

Read the News Article from The Malaysian Insider

Thai expert says Teoh’s death ‘80pc’ homicide


By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 — Thai pathologist Dr Porntip Rojanasunan told the coroner’s court this morning that there was an 80 per cent probability that Teoh Beng Hock’s death was homicide and not suicide, and suggested that some of his injuries were sustained before his fatal fall.

Under questioning from Selangor state lawyer, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, Dr Porntip testified that the political aide was indeed alive when he hit the ground but added that he was unconscious, judging from the lack of injuries to his wrists and ankles.

She explained that if he were still conscious when he fell, there would have been “reaction wounds” to show he had instinctively tried to stop from hitting the ground.

She said that Teoh’s injuries showed he could have been strangled and that he sustained anal penetration before he fell to his death on July 16.

Dr Porntip added that Teoh could have passed out as a result of the strangulation or from the pain from injuries to his anal region.

She told the court that the likelihood that Teoh had committed suicide — the theory previously put forward by the two pathologists who examined Teoh’s body after death — was only 20 per cent.

The stunning testimony made by the forensic expert, who gained international prominence from her work in identifying the 2004 Asian tsunami victims and more recently in the death of Hollywood star David Carradine, appeared to suggest Teoh was assaulted before his death.

Using a graphics presentation, the 54-year-old who has carried out over 10,000 autopsies over the last 27 years, told the court that not all the injuries sustained by Teoh were consistent with those caused by a fall.

The anal tear, which she described as a “penetrating injury”, appeared to have happened before he fell.

Dr Porntip noted that the tear measured 6cm-wide by 2cm-long.

She rejected the idea that the anus was penetrated by a bone fragment, which had been put forward by local pathologist, Dr Khairul Aznam Ibrahim from the Hospital Tengku Rahimah Ampuan in Klang.

She reasoned that if that had happened, the force would have punctured the area opposite its entry and not as what was shown in the autopsy photos taken.

She suggested that they were caused by an object inserted into Teoh’s anus from a bottom-up direction, which she indicated with a blue arrow on a picture slide projected on a white screen in the darkened courtroom this morning.

“This kind of injury, I’ve not seen in cases of fall from height,” the director-general of Thailand’s Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) said.

However, she could not say what the object was.

She also said that the depth of the tear was not measured or mentioned in the autopsy report.

Dr Khairul had jointly written the autopsy report with Indian pathologist Dr Prashant Naresh Samberkar who is currently based at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

Several stripes on Teoh’s upper thighs, just below the buttocks were also pointed out as inconsistent with injuries caused by a fall.

Dr Porntip suggested the horizontal lines were the result of a beating with a stick.

She added that if she had carried out the autopsy on Teoh, she would have cut open the thighs just under the skin to check for internal bleeding in order to confirm her theory.

She also pointed out several “round” bruises on Teoh’s neck, which could mean “manual strangulation” by fingers.

Her lengthy explanation on Teoh’s neck injuries was peppered with graphic references to her own case studies of strangulation victims.

The skull fracture on Teoh’s head, she said, was not typical of an injury from a fall, but more compatible with the result of blunt force applied directly to the skull.

“I found contusion on fracture line, so the fracture could be caused by blunt force injury directly on skull,” she said, explaining why she disagreed with Dr Khairul’s and Dr Prashant’s theory.

The two doctors who performed Teoh’s autopsy had previously put forward the idea that the head injury may have been caused by the momentum of the landing.

“For transfer of force, (you) only find ring fracture at base of the skull along (the) spinal column, not a linear fracture and not a cervical spine fracture,” she added.

She said that her assessment was based on Teoh’s autopsy report, the photographs of his injuries and from snapshots taken at the site where his body was found.

Dr Porntip who had earlier suggested that Teoh may have been dragged before he plunged to his death told the coroner’s court after lunch break that she no longer held the view.

In her testimony earlier, she had contradicted Dr Prashant’s idea that it was caused by the impact on the ground.

She explained that she had been allowed to view the original pictures of the shoe, which are of a better quality than the copies she had been provided, and confirmed that the marks on the sole were indeed caused by the impact when Teoh landed on the hard and rough ground feet first.

She told the court she would like to carry out her own autopsy on Teoh, but magistrate Azmil Muntapha Abas who is acting as coroner in the inquest, indicated that it may be too late to do so at this stage.

Dr Porntip had also previously sent two assistants to join the court to survey where Teoh’s body was found on a 5th-floor landing outside the offices of the Selangor branch of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in Plaza Masalam here.

Teoh, who was the political secretary to a DAP state executive councillor, had been questioned overnight on July 15 to help an ongoing investigation into claims his boss had misused state funds.

Dr Porntip was engaged as an expert witness by the Selangor state government.

She had been among the first names suggested to carry out a joint autopsy on Teoh, but was rejected by his family whose reasons remain unknown.

Earlier, she told the court that she had conducted over 10,000 autopsies in her career, of which more than 100 dealt with fatal falls from high places.

She estimated Teoh to have died between 6am and 8am on July 16.

C Guevara

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali

Wishing all Malaysians a happy and meaningful Deepavali !

C Guevara

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Fateful Battle - Bagan Pinang N31

Bagan Pinang by-election is not only a storm ahead of Pakatan Rakyat, but it also signifies that what the rakyats have all along been hoping for; a cleaner government and a better tomorrow for Malaysians, is now under siege.

Malaysians can actually get over the fact that the 1Malaysia propaganda is just a slogan that will only become another laughing stock for other countries; exactly like "Malaysia Boleh". But since Najib become our Prime Minister, I bet most people can feel strong sense of segregation among ourselves. Lies, hatred and racism have again further infiltrated the communities of normal rakyats.

The death of Beng Hock marked the beginning of the actual 1Malaysia concept. Beng Hock's tragic death shook the nation, but UMNO seized this opportunity to instigate suspicions between the Malay and Chinese communities. Soon after that, UMNO did not hesitate to hold another infamous cow-head protest against an Indian temple, insulting the Hindus with a bloody cow head together with racist chantings in the public. Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian stirred up this issue and now, UMNO's agenda to split us apart is near to success when fear and precautions towards the Malays pavilioned the Indian communities.

"The poor Malays are robbed in broad daylight, government contracts are awarded to crony companies, we see poor Malays, Chinese, Indian everywhere throughout all BN governed states, and they call me a traitor?" added Anwar.

-Anwar responding to UMNO 's dispraise. Taken from The Malaysian Insider

Until today, almost half a year has come and passed since the new era of Malaysia begins under the racist coalition government. Pakatan Rakyat's winning streak in the 8 by-elections after 308 have sufficiently proved that the rakyat is still somehow utterly disgusted by the 'new Barisan Nasional" under our new PM.

However, its very unlikely that Pakatan Rakyat will get through the Bagan Pinang by-election; the one which is headed by the corrupted Isa, representing Barisan Nasional.

It really doesnt matter if Pakatan Rakyat lose this seat, but the winning of Isa in Bagan Pinang will be a 100% accurate diagnosis that Barisan Nasional will be more corrupted each and everyday from now on, and national unity may soon become extinct from our beloved homeland.

C Guevara

Sunday, October 04, 2009

How to Donate to Yen Kee

Received confirmation from Yen Kee's highschool classmates who helped creating Help Yen Kee website, on how the public can donate to her.

To read about YenKee, please go to (Click here!) and find out more about the progress and updates from this brave young girl, who has been fighting leukemia without fear.

Click here for the previous post about YenKee on JitSinExpress.

  • How to donate?

    A fund has been set-up for Yen Kee with the following bank account details.

    For those who are keen, kindly deposit your donations (cash or cheque) in favour of:

    Name: Yeoh Yen Kee
    Maybank Berhad A/C No.: 107228093292

    Thank you for your kind donations.

  • To donate via Guang Ming Daily

    1. Issue a cheque to GUANG MING RIBAO Sdn. Bhd. (Charity Fund ).

    2. Behind the cheque, please state beneficiary name's, in this case, Yeoh Yen Kee; and donor's details ie. Chinese/English name, NRIC, address and contact number.

    3. Guang Ming Daily will mail the donor the official receipt for the contribution after clearance of the cheque. For cash donations, receipt will be issue immediately.

    4. Send or submit your cheque to:

  • Guang Ming Ribao (Charity Fund)
    67,Jalan Macalister,10400 Pulau Pinang.

  • Tel No. :04-222 6783
    Fax No. :04-222 6767

  • Guang Ming Daily will facilitate the contributions received and will liaise directly with the hospital on the payment of the costs. In the event there is any excess after the payments have been made, the balance of the donations received will be channeled to other charity.

C Guevara

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Please Help Yen Kee

Updates: Yen Kee has just passed away peacefully. All donation activities have ceased few months back. She was expected to undergo a bone marrow transplant procedure but unfortunately, her condition worsened. Let's wish her rest in peace, and remember her as a strong, spirited girl in our silent prayer. 19/11/2010

I was totally taken aback when I read the news about Yen Kee, one of the top students in Jit Sin who scored 11A's in her SPM. She was awarded scholarships to study Medicine in overseas university by Public Service Department after receiving her SPM results, but her dream is so near, yet so far.

Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with Leukemia one year ago, forcing her to relinquish her the golden opportunity to becoming a doctor. She has been undergoing chemotherapy for almost a year and her health conditions improved along with the treatments.
However, its a short-lived joy as her health is deteriorating and cancer is again threatening her life.

Her father, a small construction contractor has almost used up all his lifetime savings to save her daughter, hoping that chemotherapy would bring back Yen Kee a normal life. Till now, the family has already spent more than RM70,000 to ensure Yen Kee can receive proper treatments.

Now with her conditions worsened, they have no choice but let Yen Kee undergo bone marrow transplant that would cost them more than RM200,000; which is the only hope to save this young life according to the doctors.

The operation will take place at Ampang Hospital once the bone marrow arrives in Malaysia.

Yen Kee's family is now facing financial difficulties to support this costly yet life-saving bone marrow transplant. They have no choice but to seek for alternative financial support, hoping that donations collected can lighten the enormous burden on the whole family right now.

I beg all of you , Please, please help Yen Kee.
No matter how much you can donate, every single penny that goes into her donation fund will help Yen Kee, the once smart, cheerful and friendly girl, to survive this obstacle!


A fund has been set-up for Yen Kee with the following bank account details.

For those who are keen, kindly deposit your donations (cash or cheque) in favour of:

Name: Yeoh Yen Kee
Maybank Berhad A/C No.: 107228093292


Cheque is made payable to "GUANG MING RIBAO Sdn. Bhd. ( Charity Fund )", with the back of cheque written the name of "楊顏琦 (Yeoh Yen Kee)", with donor's Chinese/English name, Address and contact number, so that receipt could be mailed to you.

The cheque is to be mailed to:-
《光明公益金》Guang Ming Ribao
67,Jalan Macalister,10400 Pulau Pinang.
Phone:04-222 6783
Fax:04-222 6767

Donations details obtained from Help Yen Kee & Chen Chow's Blog

Get well soon my friend. God is with you, always!

C Guevara

Below is the original news report from Guang Ming Daily:















C Guevara

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

I'm here to wish all Muslims in Malaysia Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and also a safe and enjoyable balik kampung journey! :)

C Guevara

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What UMNO Fears the Most

I can only smile and imagine how the angry UMNO racists are stricken by fear and shock when more and more Malays are now joining DAP, and non-Malays started supporting PAS and KeADILan.

UMNO has branded Malays who support a multi-racial party as "politically lost" and "ungrateful", simply because national unity is what UMNO fears the most.

Well done, my Malay brothers and sisters, all the fellow Malaysians;
and Be Afraid, you bastard UMNO.

News report taken from The Malaysian Insider.

Selangor gets its first Malay DAP branch

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 — Ibrahim Salleh, a school security guard, proudly displayed his new red DAP membership card which he obtained last week.

He is among 50 Malays from Kampung Lembah Kinrara in Selangor to join the Chinese-based opposition party, forming the state's first Malay-led branch.

“I have no problem with DAP being led by Chinese. I believe this can bring change to the Malay community,” he told The Straits Times.

There are already four Malay DAP branches in Perak and membership has risen to about 200 after last year's polls.

Kinrara state assemblywoman Teresa Kok is determined to set up at least three more Malay branches by the end of the year.

Ibrahim, a father of five, believes the DAP will help the Malays to progress, as the democratic party strives for equal opportunity for all.

He pointed out that although Barisan Nasional talked about protecting the Malays and giving them special rights, it was only those in Umno who benefited in the end.

To him, the DAP is a multi-racial party that respects the rights and religions of other races.

“I believe in DAP now. People used to tell Malays that if DAP takes over, we cannot even have azan (call for prayers) but that is not true,” he said.

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is pleased with the development, said: “This shows that DAP has been accepted by the Malays, just like the Chinese and the Indians who accepted PAS and Parti Keadilan Rakyat.” He believes that DAP's recruitment of Malay members will strengthen his Pakatan Rakyat alliance.

The DAP's success in drawing Malays is significant for the party, which is generally seen by Malays as stridently championing Chinese interests such as Chinese schools, and fighting for issues like the right to sell alcohol and pork in public places.

The DAP's motto, Malaysian Malaysia, and its socialist roots have also turned off many Malays who see it as a sidelining of the Malay agenda, and promoting a secular culture.

But the party broke through a psychological barrier when Malays voted for it in droves in last year's general election after they were disillusioned with Umno.

Political analyst Agus Yusoff of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia said: “Malays used to stay away from DAP but they have changed because it is a different political scenario now.”

The party also received a boost when the well-respected former Transparency International Malaysia president Tunku Abdul Aziz submitted his membership form last year and is now a party vice-president.

For a long time, the only well-known Malay name in DAP was MP Ahmad Nor, who was its vice-president until his death in 2003.

Umno leaders had criticised the new Malay grassroots leaders of DAP as “politically lost” and “ungrateful”.

Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan told Berita Harian that the DAP wanted to attract Malays only to advance its narrow political agenda that will eventually be detrimental to the Malays.

“We ask the Malays not to be taken in by the DAP's tricks; it's just to give the DAP a positive image,” he said.

But Haron Wahab, 56, who helped to set up the Kampung Lembah Kinrara branch, disagreed.

“My friends and I are not lost or ungrateful. We want to support DAP because Kok has been helpful to us,” he said. — The Straits Times

C Guevara

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Johore Vs. N.Sembilan

The royal family of Negeri Sembilan launched a head-to-head collision with the Johor royal household, where one of the senior member of the latter is accused of physically attacking the grandson of the late Tuanku Jaafar at a nightclub.

The 'senior member' of the Johor royal family is Tengku Ismail, who is alledged of assulting Tengku Nadzimuddin using his handgun.

Tracing back the history of the 'hot-tempered' and 'controversial' Sultan Iskandar al-Marhum Sultan Ismail, its not hard to believe the accusations made by the royal family of Negeri Sembilan. Who says bad genes can't be passed down from one generation to the next?

Click Here to read about the sultan of Johor and some of his dirty records on Bumiputera Malaysia.

Article from The Malaysian Insider.

Royal tiff over assault to be uncovered

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 — The lid is going to be blown away today on a major tussle between the two royal households of Negri Sembilan and Johor.

Tunku Dara Naquiah Tuanku Jaafar, the eldest daughter of the late Tuanku Jaafar of Negri Sembilan, has called a press conference today to provide details about the alleged assault last year of her son by a senior member of the Johor royal household.

Together with her lawyer, she is expected to pose questions about why the authorities have not charged anyone yet over the alleged assault.

It had been reported in Singapore’s Straits Times newspaper last year that her son, Tunku Nadzimuddin, and his friends had been thrashed by a grandson of the Johor Sultan and his bodyguards at a hotel here.

It is understood that Tunku Dara Naquiah and her family will say today what legal action they plan to take to settle the dispute.

A police report had been filed after the alleged assault, but no action has been taken so far.

The scuffle allegedly took place at a hotel here and Tunku Nadzimuddin suffered a fractured nose and was left unconscious from the beating.

The alleged beating took place following an altercation between groups from the two royal households at a popular nightclub in the city.

There has been little publicity in the local newspapers over the incident.

Today’s press conference could reignite debate about the indiscretions of royalty here.

In the 1990s former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad managed to push through amendments to the Constitution which removed the immunity of royalty from prosecution.

Under the Constitution, the country's nine Sultans can be tried only by a special court.

Other members of royal households are not immune from prosecution and can be charged for criminal offences in the ordinary courts.

C Guevara