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Entering the Dark Age of Malaysia...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Local University Entry Information for STPM Students





全 国大专生学辅导组(全升)成立于1989年,是由北大(UUM)、理大(USM)、博大(UPM)、国大(UKM)、马大(UM)、工大(UTM)、登大 (UMT)、沙大(UMS)和砂大(UNIMAS)九间大专升学辅导组所组成。今年更是加入了新成员--彭大(UMP)。我们通过各大专升学辅导组之配 合,提供正确、快捷及完善的升学资讯 (以国立大学为主)予在籍中学生及相关人士。除此之外,全升也加强社会人士对本地大专学府的正确认识以及深入了解,并且从中灌输正确观念。此电话热线服务 是开放给各界人士拨电话进来以询问关于如何选择科项的问题。

除此之外,我们也提供电邮服务。以下是各大专所提供电话热线服务的时间及热线号码。请浏览我们的网站 以获得最新的资讯。

Blogger's comment on

I would strong recommend any STPM or Matriculation graduates who have just received their results, to visit QuanSheng Counseling Service for any inquiries or doubt about getting your desired course in Local University.

This website has been established in year 1989, providing thousands of STPM graduates with all the information they need about getting into Local University. This includes statistics of the scores or CGPA a non-bumiputra student needs to achieve in order to get a course they want. Although these info are only for reference and are NOT official data from the local uni itself, it reflects a pretty accurate reality of what has been happening all these years.

As everyone knows, STPM is a tough course, and not many can manage to score well in the end. STPM students, especially non-bumiputras, have to compete with hundreds of 4.0CGPA scorers from Matrikulasi and Mara, and hence, there is a unfair yet existing comepetition going on every year. Personally, the main aim of this website is to feed STPM graduates with facts and reality they NEED TO KNOW before making their choices and decisions on what university or course to choose eventually.

Another interesting features about is that it has got many links to various type of scholarships(government, private sector, non-profit organisation, state government), and also the links to official websites of all the local universities in Malaysia. Besides, the interactive forum and news updates will give you a chance to speak out your problems and at the same time sharing it with thousands of local university applicants across the country.

Contacts of representatives from most of the local university will be provided(phone number and emails) so that students with any questions regarding a particular university can have a reliable first hand information from a senior.


Please bear in mind this website is for reference purpose only, and it may provide you with plenty of reliable information regarding local university, but in the end, you're the one that has to make up your own mind and move forward.

Good luck to all! ;)

C Guevara

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