Thursday, December 27, 2007
With 209 students from Jit Sin scored perfect 8As this year, our school top the chart again in Penang State. Ministry of education warned all the Press Publishers NOT TO compare and produce the National Rankings of schools for the results of Government exams (since few years ago, the reason? Ask Hishamuddin). So I do not really know whether Jit Sin is still standing tall among all other secondary schools in Malaysia.
I think we're a lil lucky to become the leader in Penang coz Pin Hwa GIrl School is only 2 people less behind us.
By the way,Congrats, and keep it up!
C Guevara
Monday, December 24, 2007
May everyone here has a very great Christmas, and also welcoming the brand new year 2008 with wide open arms. Sometimes life seems to be getting harder as new year is approaching, but then I'll always remind myself not to look back to the past, and infact, I want me myself to take the challenges and odds lie ahead.
Good Luck to all..... and God Bless
Sunday, December 16, 2007
那 天 晚 上 在 外 面 碰 见 她。 她 改 变 了 许 多; 女 人 味 好 重。 我 看 到 她 时 我 真 的 不 知 如 何 作 出反 应。 她 那 厚 厚 的 长 发, 有 点 碰 碰 的 那 张 脸 不 禁 使 我 想 起 四 年 前 坐 在 我 前 面 的 她。 我 被 愣 着 了, 呆 呆 的 在 一 旁 站 着。 幸 好 她 正 忙 着 和 一 位 男 生 谈 天; 并 没 有 发 现 到 我 站 在 那 儿 久 久 不 动。
谈 漂 不 漂 亮, 我 的 审 美 观 并 不 好; 但 是 我 敢 肯 定 的 是 她 给 你 的 眼 神 几 笑 容 是 最 漂 亮 的, 最 美 丽, 最 迷 人 的。 在 我 遇 见 她 之 前, 我 并 不 喜 欢 和 女 性 朋 友 交 往, 原 因 是 因 为 之 前 不 曾 有 任 何 人 给 我 一 个 肯 定。 往 往 尝 试 都 是 以 尴 尬 收 场。 甚 至 是 小 学 是 想 要 几 位 女 同 学 写 记 念 册 都 会 被 嘲 笑, 羞 辱。 也 许 一 路 来 我 声 旁 四 周 都 有 不 少 关 心 我 的 朋 友, 但 是 在 认 识 她 之 前, 我 只 懂 得 孤 立 自 己, 让 自 卑 感 重 重 的 压 在 我 的 肩 膀 上。
过 去, 我 在 班 上 都 很 喜 欢 和 她 在 一 起。 和 她 谈 天, 即 使 是 说 废 话 我 都 无 所 谓。 也 许 她 没 发 觉 到, 她 对 我 的 关 心; 甚 至 是 一 个 小 小 的 动 作 都 让 我 觉 得 很 有 被 重 视 的 感 觉。 可 能 就 象 The Five People You Meet In Heaven 里 的 一 段 这 样 "he wakes up in heaven to learn that the first stage is where you meet five people who were affected by your life, some of whom you might know, some you might not." 对 我 来 说, 她, 是 其 中 一 个 改 变 我 最 多 的 朋 友。 也 许 她 这 一 生 都 无 法 意 识 到 她 给 我 的 一 切, 但 她 的 确 给 了 我 很 多。
没 办 法, 每 个 相 聚 在 一 起 的 人 都 得 分 开。 自 从 中 四 后, 我 都 不 曾 和 她 正 面 碰 见。 中 五 那 一 年 可 以 说 是 很 辛 苦 的 一 年; 我 每 天 都 会 想 她, 不 懂 她 到 底 如 何 了, 不 知 道 她 是 否 还 记 得 我。 当 年 她 打 了 一 通 电 话 来 问 候我; 但 是 我 当 时 真 的 很 紧 张, 我 当 时 变 哑 了。。 整 个 通 电 只 有 她 在 说 话; 我 则 拉 拉 扯 扯 的。结 果 那 第 一 通, 也 变 成 了 最 后 一 通。 我 只 能 恨 我 自 己 不 能 应 付 自 如。 我 只 能 恨 我 自 己 不 会 和 女 生 讲 电 话。
到 了 有 一 天 晚 上, 我 很 直 接 的 告 诉 她 我 真 的 很 喜 欢 她。 当 时 她 被 吓 呆 了, 我 当 然 也 不 知 道 是 什 么 刺 激 给 了 我 那 么 大 的 勇 气, 向 她 表 白。 说 真 我有 点 后 悔
让 她 知 道 我 的 真 心 话。 她 再 也 没 和 我 来 往 了。 即 使 她 来 到 的 我 的 班 上 也 会 刻 意 回 避 我。 其 实 我 还 很 喜 欢 她 但 有 不 敢 再 继 续 追 求, 因 为她 曾 经 告 诉 过 我, 她 并 不 喜 欢 死 缠烂 打 的 男 生。 结 果, 真 的 就 好 像 「 镜 子 里」 的 预 言 一 样, 把 真 相 告 诉 了 她 之 后 咱 们 连 朋 友 都 没 的 做 了。
无 论 如 何, 至 今 她 还 是 我 心 中 的 唯 一。 再 累, 再 伤, 我 都 会 撑 下 去。 我 曾 经 以 为 我 放 弃 了 她, 但 是 最 后 发 现 到 我 不 能 不 想 她。 也 许 她 看 了 我 的 这 一 篇 后 会 觉 得 我 是 个 变 态 佬, 或 是 什 么 没 脑 的 家 伙; 对 我 来 说 这 全 都 不 重 要, 我 也 不 在 乎, 因 为 我 已 经 习 惯 了。
我 走 向 前, 向 她 打 个 招 呼。 她 那 时 候 很 忙; 很 勉 强 的 和 我 招 了 手 后 就 和 那 为 男 子 离 开 了 现 场。 雨 水 越 下 越 大; 但 我 还 是 痴 痴 的 站 在 那 儿...
多 几 天 她 要 飞 去 美 国 念 书 了。 无 论 是 在 哪 里, 什 么 时 候;不 管 发 生 什 么 事, 我 想 真 心 为 她 献 上 那 分 深 深 的 祝 福。 再 见。
" Memory, memory becomes your partner. You nuture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Life has to end," she said. "Love doesn't." "
C Guevara
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
This could be the last gathering we will gonna have since most of us are getting a job soon. Please attend if possible, but no forcing.
Class monitor and a few of our classmates decided to hold a class gathering on this Friday.
We are having BBQ and have already prepared chicken,hot dogs,fishballs,keropok,drinks,bihun,n fruits...if any of you would like to contribute extra please do so
Date : 07/12/2007 (Friday)
Time : Starts at 6p.m. sharp
Venue : SMJK Jit Sin Gate 5 (Song Huan's Hostel)
Reminder : Please bring along anything(foods or games) for contribution. Besides,if any of you have extra paper cups and paper plates please bring along bcoz we may be short of them..
: Bring along RM4only !
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

At the crossroads: After school life, how our lives would be in the future? Who knows by the way?
I was busy writing my biology essay when the invigilator asked us to stop writing. I knew I wouldnt make it through this time, yet; i cant stop myself hands from making a last few sketches on the paper.
While the teachers were collecting away my answer sheets, my mind was unreasonably out of order, and I almost got crazy; not because I did badly for the paper, but its because I'm finally free.
One-and-a-half year. It's not a long time compared to the journey lies ahead; however I could really feel the exhaustion inside my soul. Studying everyday without having even a day off, you wont be able to bear that kind of life that forces you to attend extra class + tuitions every weekend. I'm quite sure anyone would sacrifice even more for a better future, but remember, for the Sixers their futures are never certain. You'll never know whether your hard work will be paid off. You will never understand that kind of feelings if you ve never gone through form six life.
However, there is one thing that I'll never regret: Studying form six. So many tears and laughters accompanied me through this journey and my family, my friends had done their best to make my life so interesting and colourful.
Thank you my dad, mom, sis (although u all never realised that), my friends from all over the place in Malaysia and planet earth
and also
my beloved Bio One.
We've achieved what we are required to as a pre U student, and we may have even acheived more than that. We've reached the end of this stage; and, the journey has just begun.
C Guevara
Saturday, October 27, 2007
现在都凌晨两点多了,突然间想起今天刚毕业的中五学生。 想起以前毕业的时候,大家都特别的安静;似乎有什么不祥的预兆这样的。到现在倒是有点遗憾,当时没有约她出去,现在想要也不能了。。当大家拿了SPM成绩之后,有些都还来不及告别就不懂跑去哪里了。。。以前踢球的那帮人,有些飞到加拿大去了,有些改行打篮球;更加糟糕的是,有些还忘记了他们的那双腿是可以走动的。
但是说真,选择念中六对我来说是最能弥补心里空缺的一个选择。在日新念书多两年,不曾想过会给我这样的一个归属感。 要是要把这种感觉一一的描述在这里,我看没天没夜的写到STPM过后都写不完。
The Isle of Memories..
各位,加油和GOOD LUCK!
C Guevara
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
STPM Time Table
Just gone through the disastrous trial, wanted to take a good rest at first, but got a mail forwarded to all classmates; the STPM Time Table. Argh... Felt disrupted, the arrival of this email got me a little bit off guard.But then, I realised that this is a Tsunami-wave-impact-reminder about the coming STPM. So, decided to rest for one week, and then go back to the full-force-study mode. One week, I allow myself to get my soul back from the books, just one week, no more; no less.
And I believe that STPM means alot to everyone of you, especially when you've already paid so much effort in these two years for everything, and you will certainly want to see some results from your investments. Here is the complete version of STPM 2007 time table for reference of everybody.Please double check your timetable with others to avoid mistakes. I would be glad if you guys will simply leave me a note here for any errors. (The highlighted are Dates, time and subjects for Biology students)
p/s: Sources provided by HongHui. Thanks alot!
13/11 (Selasa) 8:00pg-11:00pg Bahasa Cina 1
15/11 (Khamis) 8:00pg-11:00pg Bahasa Cina 2
19/11 (Isnin) 8:00pg-10:00pg Pengajian Am1
20/11 (Selasa) 8:00pg-9:45pg Physic 1
2:00ptg-5:00ptg Pengajian Am 2
21/11 (Rabu) 2:00ptg-3:45ptg Chemistry 1
22/11 (Khamis) 2:00ptg-5:00ptg Mathematics 1
26/11 (Isnin) 8:00pg-9:45pg Biology 1
27/11 (Selasa) 8:00pg-11:00pg Mathematics 2
2:00ptg-5:00ptg Geografi 1
28/11 (Rabu) 8:00pg-11:00pg Ekonomi 1
2:00ptg-4:30ptg Chemistry 2
29/11 (Khamis) 2:00ptg-5:00ptg Ekonomi 2
2:00ptg-5:00ptg Further maths 1
3/12 (Isnin) 2:00ptg-5:00ptg Physics 2
4/12 (Selasa) 8:00pg-10:00pg Biology 2
8:00pg-10:00pg Perakaunan 1
2:00ptg-5:00ptg Geografi 2
2:00ptg-5:00ptg Further maths 2
5/12(Rabu) 2:00ptg-5:00ptg Perakaunan 2
Good Luck to all. May God Bless Us All.
Friday, August 24, 2007

Yea, that is probably the only picture all the Malaysians have in mind about unity. Malays, Indians and Chinese doing things together, holding hands like a family, with an ultimate message to be delivered by the government to its people, “WE ARE NOW 50 YEAR OLD.” “50 Years of Independence” or probably, “Happy 50th Birthday, Malaysia!”. Even I myself have to admit that those PETRONAS ads are really touching, as if I was born in such a harmonic atmosphere under the sun of Malaysia. As if it is something we should be happy and contented with, and also for what we have achieved during these fifty years.
But to me, the sad truth is that, I have totally different perception in this matter. First thing in my mind, does unity really exists in this country? I doubt if it ever existed since the May 13th incident, the racial clash between two major races in Malaysia. Are the “peaceful” lives we all have now a result of UNITY? Or is it merely TOLERENCE? If we are really a big wonderful family as the government has long been propagating about, then why are we being treated differently? Have you ever seen a country in the world which has its people being rated like that? If you say there is tolerance between two differently ranked communities, yes, I would believe that; but if you say there are total understanding and unity, I don’t think there is any. If the New Economic Policy is still unable to yield significant improvement in the people’s wealth after being implemented for so many years, then how do you expect it to foster unity among Malaysians? Does it mean anything for the equal good of all people from different races? No. Clearly, NEP itself is a failure; more than just a failure, simply because it possesses hidden threat to the national integrity. If 30 years is not enough to educate or to help a certain race to get themselves on their own feet, then how many years does the government need? 50 years? Or probably twice the age of Malaysia now? Let me guess, how many men on earth can get rich as quick as the Klang Assemblyman, Zakaria? Or how can a youngster without any strong business basis like the Khairy Jamaluddin could afford shares worth millions of dollars? And maybe these are the only thing that the NEP can prove itself useful and beneficial, to “certain individuals” only, not even a community. Here is a tip, if you want to get rich, be like someone successful in the corporate arena, for an example, Tony Fernandez, the CEO and founder of Air Asia. Work like him. And please don’t tell me that Lim Goh Tong earned his business empire by just lazing around and asking for help. Do I need to remind you that Lim, the fourth richest man in Malaysia started off his business with just less than 100 ringgits in his pocket? The conclusion is: If you ever want anything, work for it. You don’t rob it from someone as you like just because you have different status from that person. Success and fame do not come without hard work.
Celebrating 50 Years of Nationhood. 50 years aint a short time.
Instead of relying on the crutches or tongkat all the time, it is time for all Malaysians,regardless of race, to change, to become a really independent nation for a better future, for each and everyone. The government keeps telling the people that we are developing fast forward, but indeed we will never move a step higher if we still have dirty politics. It’s a really sad thing to say that those maggots will get you one or two new paved road or acting like to prevent price hike of rice only when the election is around. What a pity. And only we ourselves can make a difference by being united, and together we say no to corrupted & racist government.
In this Merdeka Special Issue, I hope everyone can understand that decisions and actions taken out of mere jealousy and discrimination would not bring any good to anyone, and to the country too. And also as a reminder to all, every single Malaysian, regardless of age, race, and sex, is contributing to the wealth of the country, and had paid a lot of efforts and experienced the hardships in the long walk to freedom.
50 Years of Independence.
Happy birthday my beloved Malaysia.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Please be informed that our TRIAL STPM EXAMINATION is just around the corner.Below is the time table for the exam.Wish ALL of Bio 1 students good luck & YOU CAN DO IT!!!
9.00-12.00 - PENGAJIAN AM 2
10/9- MONDAY
8.00-11.00 - MATHS 2
8.00-10.30 - BIOLOGY 2
8.00-10.30 - CHEM 2
8.00-11.00 - MATHS 1
17/9- ISNIN
8.00-9.45 - CHEM 1
8.00-10.00 - PENGAJIAN AM 1
10.30- 12.15 - BIOLOGY 2
C. Guevara
Friday, August 10, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Here is a post specially for the Technology Week of SMJK Jit Sin. Thought I didnt have anything to write before but due to the request from many people, decided to elaborate some about this special activity held at our school.
Actually in the past few years, since form one I didnt realise that Technology Week in our school could be such a grand fiesta. I could still remember how this event took place at the lower concourse when I was just form one. Small tiny spaces for some merchandises. Nothing had really caught my attention. But for this time, it is more than just a club's activity, it had actually involved nearly the whole school, like a feast. Occupying the whole big school hall, more than ten stalls with their brand new-and-low price computer accessories made the TECH WEEK looked more like a mini IT Fair. Ranging from the cheap 2GB thumbdrive, till the latest model of computers with much sophisticated softwares are among the great deals. That is why for this one whole week, not a recess time of a day the hall was packed with students and teachers. I've also seen some students checking on the sale items with their parents.
And of course, the mega sale wasnt just the sole attraction of the week. Various of games and competition were prepared by the organiser, all students were invited to take part. One of those which I consider interesting was the coin games. How does the game goes? Each contestant is required to arrange the one cent coin by topping it with another, till as high as possible. Sounds simple, but it was really challenging. Probably the most-visited game counter, the organiser was ready to give away game tickets, some souvenirs and even TECH WEEK T-Shirts as prizes. During the last day of exhibition, an IT test was held in the same spot, with participation from more than five schools, like HighSchool BM.
According to a senior student which is also an IT expert, Tan Tze Hon, the young president of theICT Club had done a really good job in making this event a great success, especially in attracting students by all sorts of sales and activities like photographing sessions. The Tech Week of Jit Sin had marked another milestone of achievements by our own students. Bravo.
Some photos for clearer view on Jit SIn Tech Week 2007
Wallpaper designed by ICT Club.
The Apple Inc. was among the participants of the exhibition.
The environment of the hall during non-peak-hour.
20inches LCD monitor, 3.2MP webcam,.... you name it.
You can even get an ADSL wireless router with a reasonable price in this stall. Cool right?
Thats all for this post. Hope ya all like it:P
My next post would be the Merdeka Special Edition.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Updates on SMJK Jit Sin
The Real News Only @ JitSinExpress
Argh.... Sorry everybody for such a long wait. I have been really busy recently even after the catastrophic exam. So, now is a post with some interesting updates on our school. Most of them are bad news. Please leave your comment by simply clicking on the "comment" icon at the bottom of the post.
SInce our school is well know for good discipline and well-behaved students, some serious matters like theft and peeping in the wash room might have never came across your mind. I believe that everyone including me would not expect to see such stupid things to happen in our school, but yea, these are the the truths.
Internet Cafe 学生流连网咖

It was another great day for the "Cafe-wanderers" of Jit Sin; but not until the headmaster blocked the way out. According to many students whose classes are at the C block, about 30-40 Jit Sin Students from both morning and afternoon session were being led back to school in a beeline, with one's hands on the other's shoulder, exactly like POW(prisoner of war) . They were caught red-handed by a team of school admins in a raid at internet cafes near to school, after receiving phone calls from the local residents. Before moving further into other topics, what I can say about these students caught is that, they're really stupid. Skipping class and lying to your parents just for that few moments of fun at internet cafes? Pity. To misuse the trust of your parents is a really shameful thing to do. Whats more interesting is that, when the students were caught, the residents in the market nearby applauded, cheering for it.
Free Hair-Cut at School 免费理发 ~ 只限日新学生

It sounds good right? FOC(free of charge) Yea it is. But if you ask me whether the "barbers" will do you a nice head or not, I'll say , I dont know. Haha. As promised by the headmaster earlier, we've got a spot check on our hair today. A major one. More than a hundred of students were given "free hair cut service" because their hairstyle does not "comply" with the school rule. Its pretty bad aint it? So, before you guys get the jackpot, please get your hair-cutting done somewhere outside the school, even if you have to pay for it. Yea, you've got to pay if you dont wanna get FOC hair cut at school. See? There is no free lunch in the world. Too bad huh? I predict that there will be another "hair hunting operation" in these few weeks.
Where is your calculator ? 计算机偷窃案
Bring it with you when you're not in class!
This happened about one month agao, when a group of form six students complained to have lost their calculators when they were away from their class. More than five branded Casio calculators have been reported missing from that class. Some victims were in the sixth form librarary next to their class, and surprisingly found out that the bags they left in the class had been opened, and the class was ransacked before they entered. So, I hope all students especially to those who have to switch class frequently like the sixth formers will take good care of their valuables. Most importantly, dont leave anything worthy in the class without inspection.
Voyuer! 怀疑有暴露狂在女厕所出没
Hard to believe, but again, it happened in our school. This time is of course no more at places like lab or classrooms; its somewhere serious where we go doing "business". Well, right. A girl spotted a junior boy unzipped his pants in the girl's toilet. Unbelieveable? Believe it. It was a terrible encounter for the girl. I still cant make further assumptions as the girl hasnt testified the incident yet. Sources revealed that the victim has been approached by the admin to provide more useful details. Anyway, whether you have the intention or not, it is clearly NOT RIGHT for a boy to enter a ladies washroom;unzip the pants and show his "tiny" creature to girls. So girl,be careful. NEVER go to the toilet ALONE as stated in the school rules. Be accompanied all the time when you're in the washroom.
JSPO 日中铜管
JSPO : One of the best brass band in Malaysia
And finally. FINALLY. One good thing about our school that we can be proud of in this post. I've seen our school's brass band ( SMJK Philharmonic Ochestra) performed during our weekly assembly this tuesday. They are now setting off for Kuala Lumpur for the national competition, in which its winner will be entitled to represent Malaysia to Europe to perform. As the Penang state champion, JSPO has shown its "true power" and determination to win back the national championship. One thing i can say about them; THEY ARE REALLY GOOD. The way the marched into the field, the steps that they made it so lively and interesting. Together with the themes they played, the patterns they made looked so impossible for a student's band. I truly hope that they will win it back for Jit SIn, for the first time. Jia You
C Guevara
Friday, June 01, 2007
Class monitor has decided to hold a class gathering during this school holiday after considering some suggestions given in the previous post.
Class Gathering
Date : 7th June 2007 (Thursday) 星期四
Time : 1.30p.m.
Location : Seoul Garden, Autocity, AUtocity, AUTocity,AUTOcity, AUTOCity,AUTOCIty,AUTOCITy,AUTOCITY!
* Remember to bring along your student cards for special discount rate. Those who cannot attend the gathering on that particular day please kindly inform Lee Jie as soon as possible.
All U6B1 classmates are truly welcomed to participate.
C Guevara
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Happy? Worry? ~Greeting the new life of form six
Buckets of "water bombs"
V- for girls:P
Move your butt or else......
Tying rope to the tyre
An attempt to break the JitSIn Book of Record by pulling down the basketball tiang.
A bag of toads.....
Girls, its in your shirt now!
Nicely decorated pool with living toads.
Ballon filled with water
Feet in Ice!
Wasai! Timbang bola on slippery surface!
Watch out!
Strategy before games.
Question: Who wanna get splashed by water!? Ans: " Me! me!"
Here you are.....:P
Run for your life!
Dodge ball on soap water
Take that!
Dont wanna give me the ball? Cut you with my scissors hand!
Team Work works the best...
Gurls war
Dont try this at home (18sx+sg)
Let you eat flour...
Hooi Yan serving the ball
Water + Flour = Dough
Bio One , Yeah!
Girls in action..
Pak Koon & Quan-Senn claiming the prize for the best Station award.... What is the prize anyway?
Best Group + Best Group Leader award.
Oh yea,..forgot to tell, the prize is ,...... KARI LETUP MAGGI!
Yahoo! Pak Koon Lifting the Kari Letup Maggi high in the air.... Bio One Forever!
View to the direction of Dell factory from our school.
Lee was among the first to alarm the fire department
*All photos posted in this blog is protected by law and cannot be photocopied, republished in any form or way.